One-day Conference: Living a Purpose-Full Life
Session 1: Discovering my Purpose in Life
Moving away from busyness so that we focus on God’s purpose as Moses, Nehemiah, Paul and Priscilla did. We look at God’s purposes and how a purpose is different from a role. Finally, we ask, What breaks your heart that breaks the heart of God?
BOX LUNCH on site to give participants a chance to discuss their purpose in life or to just ponder.
Session 2: Serving On Purpose
We work out a mission statement, yet continue dreaming of what God is calling on us to do. This involves risktaking, not relying solely on circumstances and developing partners for the journey.
Session 3: Staying On Track
Watch out for the snares of being hooked on productivity, of listening to the inner critic, becoming a crusader or basher. We strive for simplicity and conserving energy all the while keeping our soul knit to God.