People know a lot about Jesus, but don’t normally experience him. They don’t view him as the kind of person you’d want to sit and talk with on a park bench or go off on an adventure with. This misses what Paul calls “knowing Christ” (Phil 3:10). Experiencing Jesus through studied, meditative interaction with Jesus in Scripture feeds our soul. It draws us into new ways of living—what some might call obedience. This is a relaxed life of love, joy and peace as well as truth, justice and adventure. Who would want to miss that?!
This retreat is based on Invitation to the Jesus Life.
Jesus, the High Relater
Experience Jesus as an unhurried person who listens to people and is willing, eager and capable of healing them. Observe how he respects people and has empathy for those he encounters. Jesus lets people tell their story, becoming a giver of freedom and a healer of weakness (Mark 5:22-34).
Jesus, the Empowering Mentor & Guide
Jesus knew how to be patient and kind in the midst of failure. He cheered his disciples on. He could be encouraging without being pushy. Even today, he never leaves our side and empowers us to do things we can’t do otherwise. He’s such a good teacher–when we fail, he catches us and moves us forward (Matthew 14:22-33).
Jesus, the Relaxed Challenger
Some people see Jesus as crabby, having temper tantrums. A careful study of the texts reveals otherwise. Jesus knew how to speak truth firmly but with patience and kindness. We can hardly believe it, because we’ve never seen this in another human (Matthew 21:12-17; Mark 3:1-6).
Jesus, the Compassionate Adventurer
Life with Jesus never was and never is boring. Not a chance. Jesus jumped in when most of us would run. He did not hesitate to step out and do things no one else would ever have done. He brought his disciples along on these adventures and does the same today (Luke 8:26-39; Mark 5:4-5; Luke 7:11-17).