Have you ever wondered how a person really changes? What truths are needed to be understood for this change to occur? What is the process of this transformation? These are the important topics of Dallas Willard’s landmark book, Renovation of the Heart.
Renovation of the Heart in Daily Practice alternates back and forth between carefully chosen selections from Renovation of the Heart and selections of the same length by Jan Johnson. In Jan’s entries, she first explains the selection on “street level” or answers questions about the material. The second part of her entries offer “Today’s Experiment” – a hands-on, doable, relatively simple way to work through in your life the truths presented in the selection. In this way, she becomes your companion in walking out the important truths in this book.
“No one has impacted my life like Dallas Willard. But for most of us, it helps to break his thoughts into bite-sized portions and then actually do something with them. So this is a feast!”
– John Ortberg, teaching pastor, Menlo Park Presbyterian Church
If you’ve found yourself really hungry to have your soul transformed – maybe you’ve read books about it but that was not enough, you’ll delight in being guided through sixty-one selections from Dallas Willard’s book, Renovation of the Heart.
Spiritual director Jan Johnson has selected sixty-one of the most prominent portions of the book to help you walk through. After each selection, she explores what this truth or process would look like in the life of a person who is eager to let the Holy Spirit transform them. The selections follow the flow of the original book: spiritual formation and how change occurs; radical evil in our souls and the radical goodness designed to replace it; transformation in the local church and the transformation of each part of ourselves:
- thought life
- feelings
- will (heart or spirit)
- body
- social interaction
- soul
Life Changing Experiments in Spiritual Transformation
Ever practical, these sections conclude with “Today’s Experiment” to help you think through and walk out the truth you have pondered.
This book is ideal as a daily meditation book or to use for personal retreats. (Suggestions for how to have a personal retreat and how to use this book on a personal retreat are included.) The goal is to guide you deeper into the heart of God while renewing your own.
Renovation of the Heart in Daily Practice Study Guide
You may wish to Download this Study Guide written by Ralph S. Gjerde,
Director of Retreat Ministries at Liebenzell, USA:
Scripture Index to Dallas Willard’s book, Renovation of the Heart
Click here to Download
Study Guide Available – Click Here